Chapter 54 Jean Smith


Why did the boy who held her in his arms and loved her in the past beat her to death after he transformed into Master Smith?

Is it because she doesn’t believe that he has lost his memory, and coming to him every day makes him feel annoyed, or is it because she abandons the old person after getting rich?



lying in a coma in the

dirty, and you want me to be with you, it’s too whimsical!”

has no amnesia

know until this moment that he pretended to have amnesia

of her was the young man who promised her whole life.

it, regretted kneeling at Smith’s door, let go of all her arrogance, and wanted to get her

name to Jean didn’t give her a chance to

of steps back, he suddenly charged forward with all his strength.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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