Chapter 67 I’ll Give You One Billion, Don’t Like Him, Okay

The moment she was bitten, Jennifer’s body felt like being electrocuted, and a dense tingling sensation suddenly hit her whole body.

Her face turned red in an instant, she turned her head unnaturally, trying to avoid his touch, but he held her head down, preventing her from moving.

He bit her earlobe, lowered his voice and asked softly, “Huh?”

The ending sound rises, with charm.

Her heart missed half a beat in an instant.

Shaun’s voice is full of magnetism, nice and sexy.

Such a voice is charming in the ear, it is hard not to sink.

But she forced herself to calm down, and Shaun did it just to humiliate her.

She lowered her head, pursed her red lips tightly, and said nothing.

But he slowly moved from her earlobe to her shoulder socket.

He kissed her collarbone and asked in a low voice: “Tell me, how much money do you need to be satisfied?”

His tone was a little helpless, as if he was blaming her for misbehaving.

disturbed by Shaun like this, and was so panicked that she didn’t even

light kiss, her body gradually became

billion, don’t you like him,

to be bewitching her, making Jennifer’s heart


One Billion, Don’t

788 Voucher.

and slowly raised her eyes to look at


who was bowing his head to

his body becoming extremely stiff

of alienation in the hand that was tightly hugging the waist.

but he suddenly buried his head in the hollow of her

why did you


didn’t know why he did

made him

couldn’t figure it out, and didn’t want to speculate anymore, so she replied quietly: “Mr Murphy, we have already broken up, so is it normal for me

blamed her, but he obviously didn’t want her, so why should she keep giving up other men

more and more stiff, and the cold breath radiated from him, making Jennifer feel

daring to lift her eyelids, for fear that he would hurt herself.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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