Chapter 75 Did You Remember Something?

Jennifer asked the front desk and went to the president’s office.

Jean was rubbing his forehead with a tired look on his face.

Jennifer knocked on the door, “Mr Smith.”

Jean looked up at her, “You’re here.”

Jennifer nodded, walked up to him and asked, “Is there anything Mr Smith needs me to arrange?”

Before entertaining Wayne’s partners, they just arranged for him to eat, drink and have fun, just to entertain him happily.

But Jean asked her to be his personal assistant, so he had to ask him what

he needed her to do first.

Jean put down her hand rubbing her temples, and said softly, “There’s nothing to arrange. Just make coffee for me when I have a meeting.”


Jennifer left after finishing speaking, and Jean looked at her back, gradually lost in thought.

Her back also has a sense of familiarity, as if she has seen it there many

times before.

I can’t remember, I have a headache…

He shook his head, picked up his phone and sent Vince a message.

Vince was holding a seminar, and when he saw his news, he quickly picked up his mobile phone and typed.

“Why do you have a headache again? Did you remember something?”

“No, it’s just that when I see a person and feel familiar, my head hurts.”

Chapter 75 Did You Remember Something?

“See who?”

this question, Jean suddenly didn’t

would be in danger if he let Vince know that he gave

didn’t take it seriously. He casually replied ‘stranger’ and put down his phone to

as large as DC, but

all-management meeting, and dozens of people in professional attire and holding

huge meeting room was full

reception area outside, and when she saw this group of elites through the glass,

design institute, so she could

had no way to realize her dream, so she

of the past, Jennifer slowly

the top of the conference table, tilting his head slightly, watching the PPT on the big screen while listening to the executives report on their work.

strands of hair hung slightly on his forehead. He looked gentle and elegant, but he did not lose the

this, Jennifer suddenly felt relieved.

H 238 Westhes

proud son of heaven, so how

Jean suddenly raised his eyes

picked up his phone

a cup of coffee.”

quickly and went to the tea

knocked on the door

room turned their

who was explaining the PPT in front of

embarrassed until Jean

“Come in.”

him with a cup of coffee, put the coffee in his hand, and wanted to leave the

Jean said, “Jennifer, sit

All executives: …

Wayne’s person, let her sit and listen, what if the

11 53

his chin to the executive who was

no choice but to continue, but when reporting the income, he

didn’t want to interrupt anymore, so she could

the meeting was over that Jennifer chased out and asked Jean, “Why do you want me to sit in?”

head shorter than him, and replied softly, “I feel like you’re yearning for

but she didn’t

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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