Chapter 79

Chris didn’t directly question him and Jennifer, mainly because Jennifer was Shaun’s former woman, so he had to show some face.

But he didn’t want to let go of Jean who didn’t keep his promise, so he had to take advantage of Lace’s incident.

Jean was not angry when Chris provoked her, but there was a chill in his eyes: “The marriage was a decision made by Mr Smith without my

permission. I never thought of marrying Elsa, and please Chris don’t take it seriously.”

These words made Chris’s face pale, and his pretty face darkened in an instant: “You mean you’re retiring the engagement?”

Jean smiled faintly, “I’ve never been engaged, so why call it quits?”

That is to say, marriage was only discussed, but it has not been implemented

And without the consent of the two parties, how can they marry directly?

In front of so many people, Jean’s words were indeed suspected of slapping Murphy in the face.

Chris is used to hanging out on weekdays, and he didn’t develop a deep and sophisticated temper like Jean’s.

He wanted to teach him a gentle lesson right away, but Shaun stopped him before he rolled up his sleeves.


The man was sitting in the upper seat, with an indifferent but arrogant look that looked down on the world, which made everyone present


As expected of Murphy’s only heir, this aura is too strong.

Shaun looked at Jean indifferently, his voice without any temperature rippling in the hall.

“At the beginning, Mr Smith came to Murphy to ask for a marriage. If you want to withdraw, you can withdraw. How did you ask Mr. Smith to withdraw?”

A word of begging, let everyone recall.

It turned out that Smith wanted to climb the big branch of Murphy.

They thought it was Murphy and Smith who wanted to join forces.

It seems that Smith, like them, also relies on selling children to stabilize his position.

forgetting that they were

accepted everyone’s criticism, and


speaking, he went straight out to find Jennifer.

at his back, Chris turned blue with anger, “It’s okay to quit, Elsa

quickly echoed, “Yes, yes, yes, Elsa is so

him a sideways look, “What’s none of

it’s so rude, it’s Jean.

floor-to-ceiling windows in the lobby,

to the dining area in the distance, as if

turning around a few times, he answered the phone and walked towards the bathroom.


phone when a gentle and gentle girl came in


standing on the balcony on the second floor just now, she

matched that they

created a chance for himself to be alone

didn’t expect that she was hiding in the bathroom and swiping

many young talents don’t go to meet, what are they doing hiding

angrily, “What are

so she was not surprised by

of course

she didn’t want to be patient with

like Beau, even if she endures it, she won’t feel

more unhappy when he was

and hiding on purpose so that Jean

once, you can fly on a branch

can only be

made Jennifer

hiding here to avoid Shaun, what does it have to do with

too good

to Lace, but just looked at

Jean’s identity, I’m afraid you can’t afford it, you don’t need to look for a sense of


11 55

is going to marry Elsa, and Lace’s status is far inferior to Elsa’s, so it’s

so, she raised her hand, and slapped Jennifer hard

you, I am dignified Lace, do I need to find a sense of existence

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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