Chapter 92

W488 V her

Shaun’s eyes suddenly rose with hostility, and his cold eyes seemed to penetrate people’s heart and lungs, making people feel cold all over.

He moved his thin lips, and when he wanted to ask something, Ginny walked in from the outside.

“Shaun, you are indeed here!”

Jean looked back at Ginny, then turned to Shaun and said, “Mr Murphy, I won’t bother you to dine with your girlfriend.”

What he said was ironic, who told Shaun to mock him for bringing his girlfriend to the bidding meeting.

Although Murphy is the first party in this project, for Jean, he has the strength to win the development right, so he doesn’t have to be afraid of offending Shaun.

Jean left this sentence and turned around to get the food.

Ginny came up to meet her, and was about to ask Shaun if he wanted to have dinner together, when he suddenly turned cold and walked out of

the restaurant.

Seeing this, Ginny’s expression darkened. What was Shaun’s intention? Why did he hate her more and more after returning home?

Jennifer was sleeping on the armchair when Jean returned with her lunch.

She hugged the pillow in her hand and leaned against it, her long eyelashes covered her clean and clear eyes.

Seeing that she was in a deep sleep, Jean didn’t have the heart to disturb her, and was afraid that she would be uncomfortable sitting up and sleeping, so after thinking about it, she bent down and hugged her.

The moment he hugged her, several images flashed in Jean’s mind, as if he had hugged her like this before.


Chapter 92

of him. At this

of anything, and even the deeper he

pale from the pain, and he was covered in cold sweat, but he hugged the person in

let go, this

back to his senses,

“Come in.”


will start early,

two o’clock in the afternoon?”

was two o’clock, but Murphy just came to inform me that

It was ridiculous for such a large group to change the time at

Smith, let’s go quickly, the people from Murphy just said that whoever didn’t come


snorted coldly, started to walk away, and then looked

to wake Jennifer up?”


Chapter 92

“Need not.”

off his coat and covered her

he turned around and followed Paul towards the

# 233 Moucher

soon as Jennifer fell asleep, she fell into a coma and couldn’t wake up

times, he opened his eyes in a daze.

focusing for a long time, I can only vaguely see a silhouette in front


soon as she asked this sentence, the whole person

face with sharp edges and


icy voice, Jennifer suddenly woke

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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