chapter 106

Jean knows the symptoms of varicose veins. Although the legs will be swollen, it will usually be relieved after a period of time, so that she will not be unable to walk.

But he didn’t dare to ask too much, just now he asked a few more

questions about her condition in the villa, and she got angry, so it’s better not to provoke her anymore.

Jean didn’t go any further, but still cared about her body: “I’ll let Vince treat you well. He’s a genius in medicine, and he will definitely cure all your minor ailments.”

The stiff smile on Jennifer’s face became more bitter: “No need.”

People who are dying, why waste medical resources.


Jean wanted to persuade her again, but Jennifer turned her head and looked out of the window, as if refusing to continue communicating with him, so he had no choice but to keep silent.

The car quickly drove into the Heritage Resident, Jean parked the car, and carried Jennifer upstairs.

she lived, there was nothing he could do in

key and opened the door, and Jean carried her

on the

sofa, and put her down gently.

sitting up straight, Jennifer looked up at Jean, “Mr Smith, thank you.”

but the meaning behind her words was to see off

panicked in her heart, but her face was still warm.

should rest at home first, and don’t entertain me for the time

he finished speaking, he turned and left.

the restaurant, I saw a

photo of her and Carley when they were seventeen or eighteen years old. They

and took a

three of them, standing next

subconsciously felt that this person was himself, and as soon as this thought came out, his

photo they had taken together, and hurriedly said,

something when he was interrupted by

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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