He put down the porridge in his hand, picked up another portion of porridge from the tray, and handed it to her mouth again, signaling her to open her mouth with his eyes.

When the warm porridge touched her red lips, Jennifer was relieved from disbelief.

She didn’t say anything, she just opened her small cherry mouth and drank the porridge bit by bit.

“Anything else?”

After feeding her spoon by spoon, he picked up the porridge bowl next to him, wanting to continue feeding her.

Jennifer shook her head quickly: “No need.”

Only then did Shaun put down the bowl, picked up a tissue and wiped the corners of her mouth for her.

With indifferent eyes, he looked her figure up and down, as if he couldn’t understand how thin she was, so he asked coldly, “Why did you lose so much weight?”

When he hugged her, there was no flesh at the waist, only the bones of his hands could be touched.

In fact, he thought she had lost a lot of weight before, but he didn’t expect that she would become so thinner day by day.

was also sickly white, and there was no luster in


was hard not to make people wonder if she was seriously ill, but there

was thinking about her, facing his concern, her heart never fluctuated as before.

nothing had happened, and responded quietly: “I lost weight

got married some time ago, so Jennifer believed her

any more questions, but instead told her:

responded softly,

nothing to say.


to him and didn’t intend to leave, Jennifer couldn’t help but

There were mobile phones and other things in it. I don’t know if anyone took it

much, mainly because she was afraid that Carley would not find her.

didn’t mind her calling ‘Mr

was also called by Mr Murphy before, she didn’t feel

that, he felt that she was getting farther

shaking off the uncontrollable thoughts in his mind, he took out

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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