Chapter 142 Make it clear with Shaun

She turned to look at the man who hugged her tightly.

His face was cold and gloomy, and his thin lips were tightly pressed.

The angry look on his face showed that he heard what they just said.

He probably thought he was going to go with Jean, so he rushed out to stop him.

He has already done such an exaggerated thing to her in front of Jean, why is he still refusing to let her go?

Jennifer lowered her eyelashes and used her long eyelashes to cover the complex emotions in her eyes.

Seeing that she didn’t resist, Shaun’s expression softened a little, but his eyes were full of frost on Jean.

“Mr Smith still wants to take over the shit I played badly, it’s really affectionate…”

Such humiliating words made Jean suddenly angry.

fists and rushed forward

head was seriously injured, and Jean, who was exposed to heavy rain,

but he lifted his foot and kicked him to the ground.


gave a light snort to the

or death seriously makes Jennifer more and more disappointed in

rushed to Jean, knelt down and

how are you, are

men, the hostility in Shaun’s eyes

away, he couldn’t help

“Come over……”

and reason do not allow

stood there, condescending, looking down at the pair of foolish men and women on

look on his face was an order, a warning, an oppression that would punish

a pair of eyes, Jennifer was extremely tired and didn’t want

want him, he

has been under his control for five years, but Jean is still injured, he has to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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