Chapter 15% clearly Didn’t Pay Attention to Her

After Lanice put the overcoat in a high-end paper bag, she carried it to the villa.

Pushing open the door of the study, the afterglow of the setting sun, through the floor-to-ceiling windows, sprinkled on the man’s body, casting a faint golden light.

The man’s figure was tall and straight, his back was aloof, he couldn’t see his face clearly, he could only see a slender cigarette held between his bony fingers.

Faint smoke, lingering around the body, looks noble and mysterious, but reveals a sense of abstinence.

Lanice glanced at the cigarette butts piled up in the trash can, and frowned slightly.

She remembered that Shaun didn’t smoke, and she didn’t know when he became addicted to cigarettes.

Naturally, she couldn’t care about his affairs, so she raised her hand and knocked on the door in a businesslike manner.


The man didn’t even turn his head, and said a word lightly, as if he was not interested in anything.

Lanice walked over with the paper bag, “Shaun, these are the clothes that Jennifer asked me to return to you.”

She handed the paper bag to Shaun, and the man glanced back.


He gave an order in a low voice, his expression so indifferent that he seemed to abandon something he didn’t care about.

Lanice responded, then turned and left with the paper bag in hand.

guessed that Shaun would let herself throw it away, but she still made this trip because she

paper bag into the large trash can,

“Let it go.”

glanced back at him, the man didn’t look at her, still turned his back

in the afterglow, he held up his

seems to be very irritable, but it is contradictory, and I can’t

returned to the study with

back to the hospital first.”

man nodded slightly, and after

it caused him, who has always been decisive,

his hand, picked up

that her body temperature still remained on it, which made him reluctant to let go.


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Shaun’s expression suddenly

overcoat in his hand, and reopened

villa, there were still several patients waiting for her treatment in the hospital, but she was

her car, and when she turned the steering wheel

above saw her who was backing up the car, their


hadn’t expected to run into Lanice at Shaun’s

the address, it took a long time to find out, but Lanice

she is Shaun’s fiancee, but he didn’t even tell her where he lived, and hooked up with such a woman to

accept this, let alone Ginny who was

care less about maintaining her image at this

the car

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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