Chapter 173 Murphy s people are too defiant

Carley was originally on the night shift, but she felt inexplicably uneasy, and her right eyelid was also twitching crazily.

The first thing she thought of was Jennifer, and she quickly called, but she didn’t answer after several calls.

She was a little anxious, and immediately rushed to the small apartment after asking for leave, making phone calls while rushing.

Just as she opened the door of the small apartment, the phone was connected.

She immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and asked anxiously: “Jenny, what are you doing? Why aren’t you answering the phone? I’m so anxious!”

There was no Jennifer’s voice on the other end of the phone, but a female voice: “Is it Jennifer’s sister?”

Hearing that a stranger answered the phone, Carley’s heart skipped a beat.

“I am, are you?”

“I’m Lanice, I met you at your apartment last time.”


Carley frowned, nervous and puzzled.

“Why are you answering calls on Jenny’s cell phone, is something wrong with her?”

be too

crazy winks, so she didn’t

something was wrong: “Lanice, don’t

s people are too

Jenny has a heart attack, I feel very nervous. I can feel that something is wrong with


in a

that Jennifer was unconscious, Carley almost collapsed.

in a trembling voice, “Lanice, please tell me the address of the hospital…”

is in my hospital, I will always pay attention to it, you should prepare

calm voice brought some strength to Carley.

said thank you, hung up the

clothes, took the

was doing a detailed examination of Jennifer, when she saw Carley barging in painting, she quickly put down her stethoscope and

so anxious, it’s easy to

put down her things, and

the hospital bed with a layer of gauze on her forehead, Carley’s

the trauma on her forehead,

people are too


have a heart attack and fall into a coma? Why is there a trauma

with confused eyes, making Lanice too guilty to

Jennifer offended Shaun’s cousin, and that’s why she got revenge

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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