Chapter 186 Everything Returns to Dust

This time she saw clearly, Shaun in a black suit came from outside the

door of the emergency room.

Just like meeting her for the first time, he walked in front of her step by step with steady steps.

He stretched out his bony fingers towards her, bowed his head and said softly to her: “Jennifer, I’m here…”

soft voice…

He had never spoken softly to her.

Jennifer’s consciousness gradually returned, and when she opened her eyes again, there was nothing but endless darkness.

Some people say that people have hallucinations before they die, and what she saw just now was just her own imagination.

Deep down in her heart, she longed to see Shaun again for the last time, but unfortunately, he never showed up…

Seeing that she was waiting for Carley to come, but still looking out of the emergency room door, Jean seemed to understand something.

After struggling for a few seconds, he quickly said to Lanice, “Go and call Shaun, and ask him to come and see her for the last time!”

time to think, he took out his


forward to it, and called Lea quickly,

down the phone and said weakly, “It’s turned off…”

who cried hoarsely, also found that Jenny was



her last

was never turned off, so she quickly said to Lanice: “Jenny’s mobile phone has his private number, who can help me get her mobile phone,

little nurse guarding the door heard it, she immediately turned and ran to

and asked Carley while swiping the unlock button: “What’s the

the password and quickly reported it to

unlocked, and quickly flipped to

Jennifer, he was immediately released

other end no longer prompts to shut

phone quickly,

several times, he didn’t


it bothering you to keep

Lanice could speak, a female voice came from the other end

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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