After opening it, I found out that Jennifer had made several phone calls at around 2:00 p.m. Boston time yesterday.

The last call was picked up, and the call ended in just a few tens of seconds, After that, she never called again.

Restless, he quickly called Jennifer back, desperate to hear her voice, but she didn’t answer.

He thought that it was the weekend in Boston, and she liked to sleep in when it was time to rest, so he didn’t call again.

When he put down his phone and wanted to change to another room to rest, the message vibrated.

On his personal mobile phone, only one person was added to the information number, and that was Jennifer…

He quickly picked up his phone and opened the message, but Lea’s anxious voice came from outside the door▬▬

“Mr Murphy, open the door, something happened to Jennifer!”

the information displayed: [Mr. Night, she has passed away, please don’t harass her again]

face suddenly sank, and while turning around quickly, he typed

or not, the person is already dead anyway.

was suffocated, and with a cold face, he opened the door and

“What happened?”

voice had a trill

as if he didn’t care, Lea’s

to tell me that Jennifer passed away at 2:19 yesterday

10) He doesn’t

she looked

his delicate face was as cold as an ice cube carved out of it.

clearly, or didn’t take

a while, Lea said awkwardly: “I won’t disturb your rest.”

turned to leave, but a gloomy voice

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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