Chapter 202 The Most Eerie Woman in the World

When the man walked behind him, he pulled the bolt of the gun, opened the safety, turned around, raised the gun, and pointed it directly at the man’s forehead.

The man was taken aback by his actions, but he still kept calm and said, “Shaun. I’m your uncle, pointing a gun at me, isn’t it good?”


Shaun raised the corners of his lips and smiled sarcastically: “Will uncle hold a five-year-old nephew in the swimming pool and let him drown?”

The man didn’t seem to expect that he could still remember such a long time ago. After his face changed, he argued, “I want to teach you how to swim.”

The smile on the corner of Shaun’s mouth became more and more sarcastic, and he stopped answering the man’s words, but directly pulled the trigger–

The moment the bullet was about to be fired, the woman in the wheelchair ordered someone to throw a bloody woman in front of him.

When Shaun and the dying woman lying on the ground looked at each other, their eyelashes trembled slightly.

He raised his eyes as cold as snow, and looked at the woman in the wheelchair, her back to the light, hiding in the darkness.

He didn’t say anything, just stared at her coldly, while the man in the wheelchair raised his chin at him.

“Whether you let Rex go or have your people bury him with him, choose


A hoarse and unpleasant female voice sounded in the room, revealing a bone-eating chill.

the ground couldn’t help but shudder when she heard

what you always

belt had bruised her, was split open, and the pain


played with the belt in her hand and looked at Lanice

did he pour into you to make you so loyal that

know that everyone he cares about since childhood will

said the last sentence, her tone was very light, as if she was playing a game of playing with people.

is the most eerie woman Lanice has ever seen in this world. She doesn’t have the tenderness

her childhood friend was having a hard time, so she ordered someone to take care of her a few times, and

just like Jennifer, lying

only difference is that before Rosie died, she was defiled, her clothes were

he pulled the bolt of the gun, opened the safety, turned around, raised the gun, and pointed it directly at the man’s

he still kept calm and said, “Shaun, I’m your uncle, pointing a gun at me, isn’t it good?”


corners of his lips and smiled sarcastically: “Will uncle hold a five-year-old nephew in the swimming pool and

a long time ago. After his face changed, he argued, “I want to teach you how to swim.”

more and more sarcastic, and he

was about to be fired, the woman in the wheelchair ordered someone to throw a bloody woman in front

the dying woman lying on the ground looked at each other, their

his eyes as cold as snow, and looked at the woman in the wheelchair, her

while the man in the wheelchair

Rex go or have your people bury

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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