Chapter 206 What kind of secret is hidden

Lanice quickly responded, “Yes, I’ll pick you up right away.”

After Shaun hung up the phone, he raised his cold bloodthirsty eyes and looked outside at the manor lit by street lamps.

As if he could see Ashley’s old house through those lights, his eyes suddenly filled with hatred.

Nora, I promised my father not to kill you, but if you destroy what I care about, then I will destroy what you care about.

If you want to play, then have fun…

After re-wrapping the blood-stained gauze, he took out a pair of black leather gloves and put them on abruptly.

Then he went to the cloakroom, took off a set of casual clothes and put on, and then messed up his meticulously combed hair.

After making all the preparations, he picked up the mask and walked down the stairs slowly…

Seeing him going out like this, Samuel was slightly worried: “Mr Murphy, are you really going to declare war with Mrs Ashley?”

Ashley is also a plutocratic family, although slightly inferior to Murphy, but almost equal.

In addition, the person in charge of Ashley is a lunatic who can do anything. He is really afraid that Shaun will declare war with her, and it will be like when he was young, in exchange for one bloody storm after


Shaun glanced back at him, his thin lips parted slightly: “It’s not me, him.”


What kind of secret is

speaking, he slowly shifted his gaze to the mask in his hand, as Mr. Night, destroying the people she cared about, so that her Hill

right now, there are still people who can handle it with their own

Samuel and ordered coldly, “Break the leg of the man who followed me and send

would do what he told him: “Yes, I will arrange it

out of

had already been waiting outside the door. Seeing him coming out, he quickly drove a black Lincoln

got in the car and sat firmly, Jake quickly started the car, and the dozens of luxury cars behind

car hiding at the corner wanted to keep up, but was frightened by the sudden appearance of Samuel and stepped

driver could react, several bodyguards in black suddenly opened the door and

to the ground, Samuel raised the iron rod in his hand

they just

hard, so don’t blame

at an extremely fast speed, and

in the underground parking

leaned on the car window, and looked at Cilia who came out of the

arm in arm with a man, and even kissed for a moment before

at them coldly, feeling extremely ironic.

can be with whoever they like as much as they want, but he was taught from a young age not to be emotional, saying that a

why Cilia could live

puzzled was that the Murphy were obedient to him, but they turned a blind eye to Nora’s tormenting

kind of secret are they hiding that they want

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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