Mister Yoseph was slightly taken aback but replied, “Not that I’m aware of, sir. The psychiatric hospital is having a dinner party tonight.”

“Did Meredith join?”

“Sir, I heard from the warden that Miss Meredith is not allowed to leave her room. Hence I think that she wouldn’t be attending the dinner party.”

“True,” Josiah scoffed.

Josiah knew that Meredith was a woman with pride. It was impossible that she would lower herself and attend a dinner with a group of patients with mental issues.

“Sir, if you would like to hear about Miss Meredith, I can call the warden right away.”

“It’s fine, leave it,” Josiah said.

Though Josiah rejected his secretary’s request, he could not help himself but dialed the warden’s phone number on his phone.

However, the warden was not picking up.

Meredith used up almost all the strength in her and finally delivered her child.

Meredith, who was still in a daze, vaguely heard Miss Linda who was saying, “Throw the child into the fire.”

Upon hearing this, Meredith, who almost lost consciousness, quickly moved her body that was in pain and pleaded weakly, “No, please don’t kill my baby…”

Reaching out her hands, Meredith struggled and finally grabbed onto Miss Rosa’s shirt. She fell off from the bed that was now stained with red blood. Meredith desperately wanted to snatch her baby from Miss Rosa’s hands.

“Please don’t kill my baby, I’m begging you…”

Staring at Meredith who was crawling on the floor, Miss Rosa flung away her hands ruthlessly and walked out of the room without even looking back.

“No – !” Seeing Miss Rosa disappearing from her view, Meredith started crying her heart out.

Meredith finally got up on her feet, but before she could even chase after Miss Rosa, she fell onto the ground again and lost consciousness.

ocean of fire and her child was reaching out to her, crying out, “Mommy,

fire but she could not move her legs. All she could do was to see

Meredith shouted and opened

saw was Ysabelle who was scoffing at her with

up in her eyes. In her hoarse voice, Meredith

smirked and said, “It burned to death. Right there in

was startled as she thought to herself. ‘So the

did ask

crying her eyes

already gone. All that it left

burned, Meredith rushed into the pile of ashes and started digging frantically while she whimpered, “Baby, my poor baby,

could not find her baby no

“Meredith Leighton, Josiah was the one who gave

soil as if the soil were both

fuming in rage and despair. She despised and resented both of

while you’re here, pathetically hanging by a thread. He even killed you and your child, tsk tsk, don’t you think you’re a bit pathetic?” Shaking her head, Ysabelle mocked, “If I were you, I would have ended my life since

consider jumping off there,” Ysabelle laughed and went on, “this is my last gentle reminder for you. Oh,

Nothing left to lose…

laughed, and laughed until

was right. She had

had lost her best friend and

her loss was Josiah Shelby and the woman in front

wanted to die, she must take Ysabelle

eyes changed. Along with her scarred face from the fire, Meredith’s face contorted

who was smiling smugly a while ago suddenly had the urge to escape after seeing how Meredith was staring at her

hold of a knife behind her

saw the knife being stabbed into her lower belly. Her dress

me…” Ysabelle whimpered as she struggled.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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