Chapter 241

“Sony,” lowering her head, Meredith apologized and walked past them. But the group of men walked closer toward her to block her path. They were laughing creepily, “You’re the lady with the burned face? Come on, let us have a look Hideous women turn us on the most.”

Meredith was terrified but she stayed calm and tried to move past them. “Where do you think you’re going in the middle of the night? Come on now, play with us, hamım?” One of the men pulled her back and studied her while laughing sleazily, “Tsk tsk, you are indeed one ugly thing, aren’t you? But don’t worry, we wouldn’t mind.” Meredith stammered, “What…what are you guys planning to do?” “Something meaningful, of course,” Another man grabbed the umbrella in Meredith’s hand and pulled her into his arms.

Moving his hand over her body while nodding, he said, “Though you look ugly, I must say that you have a nice body figure. It’s enough for me and my boys to take turns with you.”

The men were willing to do more than just mess with Meredith as they were being paid a handsome amount of money to do so. Struggling, Meredith tried to resist. “What do you think you’re doing? Let go of me, let go… mmm!”

again.” The group of

that they were being serious, Meredith was aghast

me go, I…I am pregnant. I really

if she told them that she

a pregnant lady before. It sounds like fun, doesn’t it?” “Who knows? But we’ll know after we try it with

“I can’t wait now!”


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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