Chapter 1242

Fia didn’t answer him.

Lucifer said with a smile, “I won’t mistreat them. I have no other family. I’ll treat them as my own flesh and blood.”

Fia simply said coldly, “My children should take my last name.”

“Fia, you can’t even use your real name. How can they? Aren’t you worried that Conrad will take your children away from you the moment he recovers his memories?” Lucifer said slowly with a relaxed tone.

Fia could feel her blood boil as she said, “You promised that you’ll set me free once I’ve

finished my last mission. I will then take my children away from here! To a place where no one will know us!”

Lucifer paused for a second as his grip on the phone tightened. “Well, if you can complete the mission.”

“Then what is my mission? Can you please tell me already instead of wasting my time?!”

Fia was losing her grip.

As long as she was not given her mission, she would have to look at Conrad every day and that disrupted her everyday life!

memories. With how observant he


body tightened. “Lucifer, don’t tell me my last mission

right,” Lucifer sighed. “It has something to do with

“…Are you crazy?!”

and I can give you the freedom you crave. Then, I can make sure that he’ll never find you so you can live a happy life together with

Lucifer’s words, Fia almost

her teeth and asked, “What do you want

simply need to support me,” Lucifer said as he

then remembered Beryl and asked,

you not to interfere? Got it?” With that, Lucifer

back to the living room, Fia realized her

she could do was to give them a smile as

to check if Beryl was

but Lucifer was

on the balcony. Don’t pick up calls there anymore,” Adrian said

We don’t mind listening to you

right, Daddy is so gentle. He won’t start a fight with you.” Adrian couldn’t stop when it came to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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