Stop It, She’s Remarrying! By Stellar Strands Chapter 124

“Is it because of me and Esme that you don’t want to remarry, but you want to cheat on me?!”

Fia let out a smile full of despair and said, “I don’t want to talk to you.”

How could he, who was at fault for the very thing he was condemning her repeatedly for, accuse her?

Conrad tightened his fist and asked, “Esme said that you wanted a doctor to be your husband when you were little, is that correct?”

“I did say something like that.”

It was children’s talk. Not to mention she hadn’t fallen for him yet then.

But to think that Esme would use it against her like this.

“So, you and that doctor…”

“Conrad!” Fia cut him off. “You can humiliate me, but don’t humiliate other people. He has nothing to do with this, unlike you and Esme!”

The door behind Fia opened.

Echo opened the door while holding the door frame as support. “Why are you two fighting?”

She had lost so much weight in such a short time. Her face had lost color, and she was

helped Echo. She then glared at Conrad with red eyes. “We can talk about it

when he saw how weak Echo was, he couldn’t do it and simply left with fury

back into the ward and closed the door, blocking all prying eyes

I heard the fight between you two. Doctor Evans was even

rabid dog now and he would bear his fangs at

why he’s intentionally ruining your reputation?” Echo said with worry. “He’s very decisive when it

was stunned and she shook her head.

be any worse, she could

he would not plot against her like how

have said something in front of him again to worsen our

again. “For the sake

letting his anger take over him. He’ll understand soon enough. Someone like Doctor Evans would

something else when she suddenly began

her coughing like that, she was worried that she would cough out her inner organs and quickly pressed

coughed out blood and groaned in pain.

wrong with my mom,

worry. I’ll get the doctor right

to leave. Very quickly, the nurses asked for two

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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