Stop It, She’s Remarrying! By Stellar Strands Chapter 128

“No thanks!”

A car stopped right next to the two of them and Jason got out of the car.

“Where are you headed to, Fia? I’ll take you there.”

“Thank you, Evans.”

Conrad raised his fist wanting to stop them, but the servant from the other end of the call wouldn’t stop talking. He had no choice but to return to the family residence first.

Fia saw Conrad off and gave him nothing but a sneer.

What was she hoping for from him?

“Let’s go, Fia.” Jason opened the door to the passenger’s seat.

Fia took a ride in his car while holding the urn. “Please bring us to Mount Reditus.”

“Of course.”

On top of Mount Reditus, the birds were chirping and the flowers were blooming.

It was the first time they were climbing up the mountain.

Standing at the top of Mount Reditus, they could see the entire city of Gryphon.

you want to leave her

in death when they were buried underground. “My mom had been working hard for me her whole life. I’m

smiled at the blowing summer wind. “It’s okay. If

Reditus… This

causing her so


for that heartless

that she

to see that man that she had

was just a stranger that

was no love between them…

wait for him anymore, mom. Go to a better place with

her hand and spread her mom’s ashes on Mount

was really something that she could wish for, let it be that

a rock and, following her mother’s will,

were very unhappy. Saying that she should never have created her mother without talking

didn’t debate with them but simply hung up after

had said, her uncles would never agree to

lifetime, so she didn’t want to be bound to the same


angry roars from her phone and he was quite worried.

wiped the tears off her face, wanting to force a smile. But all

handkerchief from his pocket, and helped her wipe those

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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