Stop It, She’s Remarrying! By Stellar Strands Chapter 182

Smelling the sweet scent on Conrad, Fia put her face near his neck.

“Thank you, Conrad. And… I’m sorry for my attitude just now.”

She knew how prideful he was. Had she accused him of being a thief on a normal day in the past, he would have already exploded with that temper of his.

She didn’t want to think about what stopped him from exploding. At this moment, just let her follow her heart for once. Let her caress him out of her own feelings.

Conrad’s body became stiff. All his anger slowly extinguished because of her embrace.

In that moment, he suddenly felt that she had a kind of love in her.

A love that could embrace all that he was. A love that could calm his

anxious heart.

Maybe he should open his heart to her too, so she could have much more freedom.

Conrad embraced her back as her head lay on his chest. He

mumbled, “Why did you do that?

“After your mom passed away, you’re very unhappy. I wanted to do something for you, so I took your folder away. The designs are fitting with the theme that my company is going for lately.”

While her designs were

and seniors

despite the pressure he was facing. He made them into his company’s

tell me earlier?”

want to hear

of them looked at each other.

raised his hand and pinched her cheek

tell you about it earlier. I was afraid that you’d reject me.

Fia smirked. “It almost became a

you happy

then said awkwardly, “Somewhat,

just now, but she became happy all because of


just now, he knew that if he didn’t clear this then and there, she would grow

a stern voice, “Fia, I’ll investigate your claim about Esme wanting to kidnap you.”

thinking about it downstairs too. No matter if she was telling the truth, since Lola was the one that told her, maybe Fia had been lied to as well.

investigate the matter.

one who’s failed as a husband.” Conrad pulled her into his embrace and held her tightly. “From now on,


if she could still believe

took was a weeping Esme

a hand on her belly. “Your stomach

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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