Chapter 202

Eileen turned off her screen and gave Fia a hug.

“Once you’re discharged, I’ll take you to a candlelight dinner.”

Fia didn’t say anything. Sadness, disappointment, envy… She had a lot of bad emotions toward Esme.

And all of this was because of Conrad. Because she loved him.

“I’ll buy you roses and presents, okay?”

Eileen consoled her and placed her hand on Fia’s belly. “We can’t be sad for the child’s sake. You must protect yourself and your child.”

She regretted showing Fia the picture.

If she had known, she would have confronted Conrad and Esme

instead of showing it to Fia.

“I’m so sorry, Fia.”

“This has nothing to do with you, Eileen. I know you’re doing this for my own good because you’re worried that I’m being deceived.”

after all of this, I don’t have hope that my marriage will end in happiness


said, “I… I’m not

to get it together and beat the people who want to see us give

“Yeah, sure.”

Eileen’s phone rang.

was her assistant, Lyn. She turned around and took the call,


saw her face turn pale after receiving

fine. It’s about work. Someone took my role as the female lead in one of

go look for help so you can

well. Don’t look at your phone and just lie down

her, Eileen’s care was like

mask, and then walked out of the ward. She didn’t expect to be surrounded the moment she

can you explain the video on the internet of


Reid, are you your

so quickly!

who were like rabid dogs through her sunglasses. They kept on asking

that there was nothing left for her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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