Stop It, She’s Remarrying! By Stellar Strands Chapter 230

Conrad’s attitude was clear though. “Finish your ravioll and I’ll take you there.”

Fia grabbed the bowl of ravioli and stuffed its contents all into her mouth. She almost threw up.

After she finished the last piece, she stared at Conrad with spirited eyes. “Can we go now? Take me


Conrad gritted his teeth as great disappointment grew in his heart.

He hated how she worried about someone else. It made him realize that he mattered less than a friend.

He was like a clown.

“No.” He looked away. “Doctor Evans and Doctor Halls already said that you’re not feeling well and you need to rest. You can’t just leave like that.”

“Then carry me there!” Fia couldn’t help but pinch his arm. “I can’t get through to Eileen’s phone. She wouldn’t miss my call like that without a reason.”

At that moment, the door opened and Sally came in. When she realized the atmosphere was getting tense, she asked, “Mr. Maxwell, did you make her angry again?”

“I didn’t. With her condition, it’s not suitable for her to leave the hospital. But she doesn’t want to listen.” Conrad pulled away from Fia’s grasp and walked to the side with a cold face.

Sally smiled and said, “It’s quite boring staying in the hospital. But this is for your baby’s sake. Hang on tight, alright?”

I need to go.

can’t leave like that anymore. If you need

husband do it.”

her for her own good. All she could do was to look at

apartment to take a look. If your cousin isn’t

took in a deep breath and said, “Fine. Stay

had to go even if he

as he walked out of the elevator, he saw Victor chasing after a stretcher trolley being pushed,

shirt covered in blood.

walked over and saw who that woman in it was.

blood on Eileen’s neck. Jason was pressing on her wound. He had a lot of blood on

and shirt

Give way!” The medical staff cried out

penetrating injury. There’s excessive bleeding and she’s losing consciousness. We need to prepare blood for

His was Rh negative

back?” Fla looked at Conrad who came back in less than ten minutes.

something behind?”

phone?” Fia looked around and wanted to find his

looked at her and said, “I didn’t leave my phone. I saw Ms.

Why didn’t she come here together with

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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