Stop It, She’s Remarrying! By Stellar Strands Chapter 239

She turned around with her head hung low, and she slowly dragged herself forward.

Conrad stared at her, their past playing in his head. And he saw her red arm.

“I’ll walk you to the doctor.”

“It’s fine. It’s just a small wound. There’s nothing for the doctor to see.”

“Enough. I’ll take you to the doctor.

The doctor’s office. When Conrad heard that Esme’s hands could not be used to carry heavy things or play the piano, he frowned deeply.

“Thank you, doctor,” Esme said. She then turned to Conrad and said, “Let’s go, Conrad.”

After he walked out of the office, Conrad stopped. “We’ll look for specialists overseas.”

“It’s no use. I came back from overseas, remember? If I could get it treated, I wouldn’t have given up.” Esme carefully looked at Conrad. “Don’t tell me you think that I’m acting for you?”

Conrad frowned and didn’t say anything.

want to go back to how it was. But I wouldn’t use my hands for something like this. This is not just a pair of hands…

loosening the collar of his shirt

Fia’s ward.

past the nurse’s station, he heard

relationship between Doctor

couldn’t help but stop

and he’s the heir to the Maxwell household! That’s the top

guess that no matter the times, no matter if someone has a husband, as long as they’re feeling it, they can ignore all the societal rules no matter if they’re men

“Shush. They’re just friends!”

“How so?”

celebrity just get admitted into the hospital? I was the nurse on duty in the intensive care unit at the time. I realized that she’s best friends with

Evans both gave their

management told us to be quiet about Ms. Reid being in

turned and walked toward the doctor’s office

opened the door into Jason’s private lounge and

and said, “Thanks. I’ll get

by the man with a dark expression

is it, Mr.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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