Chapter 246

Beryl wiped her tears with her hands. “Who are you talking about?”

When Conrad looked into his mother’s anxious eyes, Conrad directly said, “The staff from the previous generation of the company. You’re no longer allowed to see them and their family!”

Beryl glared at him with wide eyes and a red face. The only reason that she didn’t fall was because she was supporting herself with the wall.

Darn Fia Lawson! She told him everything!

That whore broke her words!

Recently, she was already planning to keep her head down. And seeing that she already had her grandson, she was going to ignore Esme and really treat Fia as her daughter–in–law!

And yet she went back on her word!

“Fia didn’t tell me anything. I knew about your interactions with them a long time ago! Do you think I didn’t know that you bought the shares from Mr. Smith last month? I simply ask you openly because you’re my


“Conrad, don’t misunderstand my intentions! I’m simply planning for the future! When I die, the shares will naturally go to you.”

“What you do will only make everyone second guess each other in the company! There’s nothing good. about it for me or the company!” Conrad took a deep breath and revealed to her what he already knew. And don’t tell me that you’re doing this for me, because you’re doing it for yourself!”

Beryl gulped. “Conrad, I’ve never meddled in your affairs, but I realize that you’re very tired lately. All I want is to help you.”

the one that gave you the idea?” Conrad looked at her aggressively. “Esme

out that you met up with


account for his mother. It was not because he looked down on her, but it was because he couldn’t allow such a time bomb to

got married. His grandpa had


angrily. “I’m your mom! How can you treat

don’t plan on doing anything, you won’t lack anything.” Conrad entered the ward and closed the door. He

back against the headboard while Mrs. Taylor was preparing her lunch

“Eat, madam.”

standing by the door.

was hard for her to even pretend she didn’t hear what he said to his mother.

felt sorry for

as he became of age. He had to watch out for this, watch out for that, and in the

She had watched Conrad since. he was a child. She also felt

wash my hands. Eat first.” Conrad gave Fia a glance

bowl of chicken soup for Fia and said, “Have some soup while


of soup,

when he fainted in the bedroom, and she began to feel

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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