Chapter 251


“Excuse me!” Suddenly, several police officers walked in.

There was anger sparking in Conrad’s eyes. “Who told you to come in?!”

“I’m sorry, Mr. Maxwell. They said that Mrs. Maxwell is the mastermind. We need to take her back to the station to help with the investigation.”

“Out!” Conrad let go of Fia and turned around, staring at them. “Nothing like that had happened!”

“This is not something negligible, Mr. Maxwell. Ms. Manning suffered grievous injuries. After what she did to the victim…”

“Fia’s my wife. I know her. She would never do that!”

Fia looked at Conrad’s tall figure in confusion.

How interesting. When he barged in just now, he questioned her.

But when the police officers came in, he protected her.


he was worried that

That must

think of any

to suppress this. All of them said that


around and asked, “What are you

reason that she smiled was because she had underestimated Lola. “No need to stop them. I’ll go with

Conrad turned around and explained to

the end they decided to have

than the doctors and nurses, we cannot allow anyone to see Mrs. Maxwell

argue with them but a nurse ran in.

Maxwell, Ms. Manning is bleeding but she refuses to cooperate with the blood transfusion. She wants to see you!”

to Esme Manning. I don’t need

at Fia and realized how nonsensical everything was.

a lot. He had just managed to find the time to see

then, he couldn’t give

with the surgery. You’re innocent. You won’t do something like that.”


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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