Stop It, She’s Remarrying! By Stellar Strands Chapter 260

“Please don’t stop us anymore. Otherwise, we can sue you for obstruction of justice!”

“Doctor, please just wait for the investigation’s results.”

One of the police stopped Jason from approaching while the other pushed Fia into the elevator.

Jason looked at the fragile Fia as his eyes became red.

“Don’t be afraid, Fia. I’ll find the evidence to clear you of the crimes!”

Fia smiled. “I’m not afraid. Don’t worry about me. I believe that justice will prevail in the end.”

There was pain in his eyes… Because he didn’t believe that!

“I’ll visit you soon. Don’t let your imagination run wild. Maintain your high spirits.”


didn’t want anyone else to feel anxious for her, so the

his office, he immediately closed the door and

to help me

few seconds and said, “This is the first time you’re asking for my help. Jason.



officer pushed her into a room. The room had its own. bathroom and looked like a standard room in a

a while. Someone

“All suspects stay in a

quite unique, and even the assistant hospital director wants to protect you. Before your crime has been proven, we still have

that.” Perhaps Jason was the assistant hospital director of Gryphonheart Hospital?

officer shrugged and left, but not before closing and locking

sat in the wheelchair and didn’t make a move as she fell into

know the time. She only felt that a long time had passed till she was feeling hungry because she didn’t have lunch. Only after a long time did someone open

was still the same officer. She had a notebook and pen and she sat

the officer conducting this interview. Let me

and gave her a better look. A girl’s face matched

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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