Chapter 271

He was so talkative.

“Maybe you can leave your contact with me? If I encounter something, maybe I can ask your family for help. Don’t worry, I won’t ask for your help for free. I…”

“Watch out!” Just as Fia wanted to tell him to shut up and focus on his driving, she saw a truck driving straight toward them.

The driver would glance at Fia every now and then through the rearview mirror. She was so pretty.

All men enjoyed such a pretty sight, and it was this kind of split–second moment that was the most dangerous.

“Oh hell no! What’s wrong with that driver?!” The middle–aged man cursed and steered away from the truck as best as he could.

However, the truck was too fast and too big. It was like a starving great white opening up its bloody jaws at them.

The middle–aged man had already steered as much as he could and there was nothing else he could do.

There was a huge bang as everything froze for two seconds, and all she could hear was the screeching in her ears!

Fia was completely stunned in those few seconds. The car shook uncontrollably and only one thought played in her mind. ‘This is the end.”

car a few times. She didn’t know where


car was knocked over by the truck and it rolled over 360 degrees several

the flowerbed was a walkway, and everyone walking on it screamed

lying in the car in a strange

of the wound on

much pain. She tried to move her other arm. She didn’t feel any

Did that truck

people inside must be seriously

has been completely thrashed. The people inside might be

coming our way, we should move away even if

She didn’t know where her injury was, and she could feel her

She sobbed, “Baby… My

two months old. It

asked, “Driver, driver,

after being crushed by the truck. The driver had already fainted

more voices coming from the outside. Some kind people were shouting to

as her vision focused on a shopping mall’s giant

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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