Chapter 273

Eileen’s hurt voice echoed in the car even after she hung up.

Conrad’s hands suddenly became numb as they shook.

“Hello? Sir?”

“Silas, where is Fia? Did you pick her up?”

“You told me to pick her up at eight, right? It’s only seven right, but I’ll go now…”

“Find out where she is right now!”

Suddenly, there was a little thumping coming from outside. Conrad looked at the person who was knocking at his car window with angry eyes.

The moment when the car window was lowered and the man encountered the pair of murderous, amber eyes, he couldn’t help but take two steps back.

“Friend, the people at the back can’t drive anymore with you suddenly stopping your car in the middle of the road. Can you move to the side if you need to do something?”

“Scram!” Conrad roared as he opened the door like an angry lion..

He was so scary that the innocent passerby ran back to his car.

Gryphonheart Hospital.

same time. Jason removed his bloodied clothes and

colleagues ran over from another surgery

wounded. The director asked you to

Jason’s normally gentle expression was as cold

not as heavily injured as the driver. The other

his outfit and pushed his other colleagues who were trying to advise him out of

wrong with you, doctor? The driver has multiple lacerations in his o*ans and both

to someone else!” Jason’s words were cold

His colleagues were stunned.

knew what was

the doctor. No wonder it was the first time he looked

walked into the surgery

the surgery theater, Sally was just about to remove

position of the glass was very precarious. It pierced into the flesh too

with her heart.

patient is

frowned and looked at the

“Blood transfusion now!”

stunned for a second. Just as a nurse was about to move, she noticed

“I’ll do it!”

voice, she gave him a look and quickly allowed him to

a sigh of relief. She believed that with Jason here, Fia would be

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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