Chapter 275

Eileen didn’t know what to do. Fia’s mother had passed away and no one knew who her father was. Family? Which family? The Mannings?

Suddenly, Lyn’s brain ticked and asked, “Does her husband count?”

“Of course! Where is he right now? Tell him to come over and sign the form!”

Lyn held Eileen’s shaking hand and whispered, “Eileen, give Fia’s husband a call.”

Eileen’s eyes were so red as if they were bleeding with hate pulsing in them.

“He’s not worthy!” But even then, she knew it was not the time to make any sort of complaints. And so, she gave Conrad a call.


“Get to Gryphonheart Hospital right now! The hospital needs someone from her family to sign the paperwork!”

“I’m already in the elevator. I’ll be there soon!” Conrad hung up the call. When the elevator door opened, he immediately ran out only to see a group of reporters waiting outside.

“Silas, get rid of all of them!”

“Of course!”

Conrad, all

away the man standing at the front so that Conrad could get

they wanted to give chase, he growled at

Luckily, the hospital’s security could see what was happening and a group of them came and got

is she? Where

the nurse’s hand and gave them to Conrad.” Quick, the doctor

letter?” Conrad grabbed the paper tightly. “What do you

pass away during the operation because of complications. The patient’s family members need to sign before

critical. The patient’s family needed to accept that accidents may happen. Only then would the

the family members could sue the doctors

Inside the surgery theater.

Despite all the years of being a doctor, he had never been as fearful

his negative emotions take control of him. He suppressed all the negative. feelings inside of him and focused on Fia’s

felt sorry for him when she saw what was

the operation.

matter what happens, I’ll

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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