3- Comfort and cookies

I finish the last few hours of my shift in a blur. Despite the unexpected proposal, I am over the moon. My first real friend at last.

Anthony gives me a funny look as I give him a cheerful wave on my way out, something I have definitely never done before. My feet are killing me as I begin the fifteen–minute walk to my apartment. I’ve only been walking about five minutes when I give up on my heels entirely and just take off my shoes and carry them.

I walk along the pavement in my stockings and hope that there isn’t any broken glass or sharp rocks on my path. It’s just after ten pm when I reach my home. I sigh and begin to climb the stairs.

I live on the third floor of a tiny, cramped and somewhat rundown building. At least the rent is cheap and the landlady is the sweetest woman. Probably the closest thing I have to an actual friend.

She is a little old lady, human, but unusually accepting of Magics. She lives off the rent from the residents of the building and spends her days in her own little apartment on the bottom floor.

I used to have the bottom floor, but about a month ago it became clear that Maggie, the landlady, would not be able to manage the stairs much longer. I offered to swap with her. The climb is annoying, particularly after a long day at work. But I am only twenty–two years old. Not nearly old enough to complain over something as easy as a couple flights of stairs.

Trading apartments with Maggie did come with one nice advantage. Maggie spends almost all of her free time baking and making different treats which she is very happy to share with me. She will bake during the day and sell most of what she makes at a local market in the mornings. It doesn’t really make her any money, but it covers the cost of the ingredients and lets her enjoy her retirement.

I finally reach my floor and find a plate of chocolate chip cookies covered in glad wrap sitting on the ledge of my window with a little note taped to it.

3- Comfort and cookies

“Trying a new recipe. I asked Logan to take these upstairs for you. Let me know what you think.

– Love Maggie

Logan is Maggie’s grandson. He lives with his mum a few streets over. He often stops by to visit Maggie after school. She always provides him with treats in exchange for his assistance with running a few errands for her, like delivering cookies to my apartment.

He is eleven years old and still eager to please so it is a perfect arrangement for them both. I have also noticed a green thread connecting Maggie and her grandson. They are part of the reason I suspect it represents some kind of mentor type relationship.

I grin and let myself into my apartment, grabbing the plate on my way in. I dump my keys on the little table which I keep pushed up against the wall of the living/ dining/kitchen type


have guests so the table is barely ever used. My apartment consists of a joint living/ dining/kitchen area. A tiny bedroom and a balcony. There is a laundry room on the bottom. floor connecting to Maggie’s apartment which

from Maggie and I there are three other people living in the building. A young couple on the top floor, Ren and Kiara. They are newly married but without their parents approval. They don’t have much, but they seem

to have gotten the worse side of the divorce arrangement. We have had a revolving door of residents on that floor in the two years since I moved in here, no one seems to stick around for long. I suspect Paul might

and warned me that he has expressed a dislike for Magics. She figured I might prefer to avoid him or at least keep my mark covered to avoid. trouble. I agreed with her.

3- Comfort and cookies

may not be five star, but it is safe and comfortable and gives me a

my own.

stayed until I was eighteen. I moved around between crappy apartments for a couple years before settling here. My

  1. us.

in by other Shifters. Witches also like to keep together in their covens. Sorcerers like to take apprentices and will

orphanages are mostly Succubi and Inccubi (their parents are notoriously promiscuous after all) as well as Magics who can’t be identified, and most of those tend to figure out their powers fairly young and

shift, I pull my hair back into a low ponytail and change into my fuzzy, pink, unicorn adorned,

sit and eat my cookies as I wait.

cookies are.

seat and dash over, sliding slightly as I hit the button to stop

making my way through my bedroom to the bathroom where I brush my teeth before I stumble back to my bedroom. It is tiny but cosy. I have filled it with every kind of fluffy blanket, pillow and beanbag

to treat myself, it is to some new comfort


3- Comfort and cookies

star, but it is safe and comfortable and gives me a

my own.

was eighteen. I moved around between crappy apartments for a couple years before settling here. My time in the orphanage was not pleasant as I did not fit

  1. US.

in by other Shifters. Witches also like to keep together in their

Succubi and Inccubi (their parents are notoriously promiscuous after all) as well as Magics who can’t be identified, and

low ponytail and change into my fuzzy,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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