Strings of Fate

Chapter 214

Strings of Fate

214- Zombies and zen

Despite my late night, I wake up early in the morning. Groaning and mentally pleading for a glass of water and some painkillers to materialise in my hands so that I don’t have to stand up. If my bladder could magically empty itself that would help too. But no such luck. I carefully disentangle my limbs from Bellamy and climb out of bed. I freeze for a second right on the edge with one foot on the floor when he groans and rolls over. But he doesn’t wake so I keep moving. First step, the bathroom. Once I no longer feel like exploding, I head downstairs to get some painkillers and caffeine. For once, no one else is awake before me, not even Megan. On my way through to the kitchen I ch*ck in on Harry, yeah he’s still totally out. I don’t expect he will be awake anytime soon, and when he

does wake I suspect the hangover will be hell. Actually, I suspect all the Shifters are going to have a pretty bad hangover. They’re not used to feeling the effects of alcohol so strongly. Actually, I don’t know if Cam’s concoction will cause hangovers or not, but I suspect it will. I mean, anything that can make

Alex that talkative and confident has got to have after effects right?

I end up in Bellamy’s office at the computer answering emails. I have a few new text messages from some of the Shifter women as well. They’ve been coming in more steadily since I helped the Shifter woman. Usually I would be more inclined to work on this kind of thing in the evenings when I’m properly awake but my b*dy has decided to be awake now and I doubt I will be getting back to sleep any time soon. I still have to set aside a lot of the messages for Bellamy to ch*ck or to ask for more information about. But I can answer a lot of them myself and I’m feeling a lot more confident with it already. I might even be starting to

enjoy it. The whole process isn’t nearly as stressful now that I’m starting to understand what to expect. Although I still am really unsure that emails are the best way to do things. Mayber for some things, less urgent matters. But a few of these emails could have been a three minute phone call and could have been resolved immediately, while others are just confusing and would be a lot easier with a little back and forth. Something which would take minutes

on a phone call or in a face to face conversation but would take days or even weeks by email

because of the delayed responses. No, what the Shifters need is a way to get in contact at all times, maybe some kind of priority system. Really, they just need to know that they CAN ask for help. Then again, they know Bellamy is busy and I haven’t exactly told them that I’m around, or available. I COULD though… maybe? It would definitely require a lot more of my time and energy than I’m putting towards it right now. I wouldn’t be able to go back to work. I know I told Bellamy that I would be going back once Kiara was safe, but if I’m being completely honest, the thought of going back to work… it just isn’t appealing. I can’t imagine having time to take care of these emails and things AND working shifts at Borderline, or


214- Zombies and zen

anywhere else. But I can’t imagine stopping either. I WANT to help. I want to work with

Bellamy and I WANT to help the Shifters. Not to mention, now that Kiara is going to be

with us I need to be around for her. I

I suppose I should talk to Bellamy about this, not going back to work. I suspect he is going to be thrilled to hear I don’t want to go back to my old job. I’m suddenly not looking forward to the conversation. He’s going to be so smug. I hate being wrong. I was so sure I would want


comes shuffling into his office, rubbing

it is fun though so I suppose it is worth it. I might have to ask her to keep some of that cure for it handy though if she’s going to bring it by again.” He groans and I can’t help

that I’m enjoying this? Ever since that time

off, I was

was the only one who

then winces. He really isn’t used to the feeling.

regular hangover.

him, still smiling a little too much. He nods

away. I follow him to the kitchen and watch as he downs like six pills which I would find alarming but I already know

know what he can handle. I look around

kind of trashed. All the dishes, empty bottles and leftovers

that if we asked, someone would

having friends over and throwing a party I suppose. Wordlessly, Bellamy and I start to fix up the kitchen and dining room. The living room can be dealt with later when Harry is up. Also, I think we might need more than a couple of sets of hands to get that

He glances sideways at me from

in soapy water.


Zombies and

causally, although I can

old job. Whatever you want to call it.” I respond. Bellamy

it falls back into the sink. He starts washing the dishes again and for a little bit I can just hear

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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