Strings of Fate

Chapter 248

Cam 5- Sensations and slime

The story of how I met Ella is a little embarrassing.

“Not exactly. Ella got called out to assist a Human guy who wouldn’t stop vomiting, she realised that he had been… dosed… with something. She tracked it back to me. She was all ready to report me, but she gave me a chance to explain. I caught the guy dosing a girl’s drink so I figured I’d make sure he was too incapacitated to hurt her while giving him a taste of his own medicine. I promised it would wear off in twenty–four hours and showed her the potion I made to counteract the drug the girl was given. She decided not to report me and we got to talking about some of my more… unusual potions and their potential uses. The rest is history I guess. I make her potions and she helps me research how potions will potentially work on different types of Shifters. I don’t experiment on them though, promise. Well… not unless. they cause trouble in the bar.” I’m a lot more careful now. I’m not saying I don’t use spells. like that, but I make sure that they can’t be traced as easily. Add more alcohol so that it comes across as alcohol poisoning rather than a magical drug. I might be bold but I’m not stupid. It might not be illegal to give out free spells but I can still get in trouble for using magic against someone’s will. It’s not even self defence since I wasn’t the target. I’m hoping they don’t ask more when a woman with bright red hair sits at the bar and draws their attention. I can’t help but release a sigh of relief at the welcome interruption..

“Amber?” Ryann seems surprised to see her.

“Excellent, I’m not late.” The woman beams a smile. What’s going on now?

Amber introduces herself as Ryanns old boss and from what I understand she’s here to… watch? I’m not sure what she expects to happen, she seems a little odd actually, like she’s not all there. I don’t think she’s totally human but I’m not positive what she is. Not a Witch or a Shifter, that’s for sure. But she seems nice. Working as a bartender I’m pretty good at making snap judgements about people and I’m rarely proven wrong. While she and Ryann catch up I get busy making her a drink. I mix with the single intention of making a drink that will taste good and match the exact shade of her hair. I have to adjust a cocktail to make it the right colour though and I use a hint of magic to enhance the colour and to add a fizz. I drop it in front of the woman while eying it critically. Is the red a little too orange still? Before I can take it back and change my mind, Amber beams at me and grabs the glass.

“Perfect, my favourite.” She says cheerfully. Is she messing with me? She can’t have had this.


Sensations and

a people pleaser? Maybe she’s just trying to make me happy. I don’t like that. I can’t improve my drinks without honest

How can it be your favourite?” I demand. Amber shrugs and sips at her drink with

she shouldn’t. It’s easier to just roll with it.” She explains. Oooooh that makes sense. It would explain how she knew to be here and how she knew that she would love the drink. It also explains her ‘not all there‘ vibes. Of course she isn’t all here, she’s probably seeing a ton of other things all at once. I’m amazed she ca string together a sentence. A lot of Oracles can’t. It takes a strong person to cope with that kind of power. I instantly feel a huge amount of respect for this woman. She

I’m special like that. Now, not that I’m not loving this, but we’re only one person away from this being a real party.” Amber smiles and leans on the bar. She seems excited. Who is coming? She did say she came

I can already see our final person and he is very likely to cause a scene. Harrison struts up to us and hooks an arm over Ryann’s shoulder in a casual hug. I expect the Alpha to shove him off immediately but she does no such thing and even her mate seems to be tolerating it fairly well aside from some

even pause. He turns a flirtatious smile to Amber, releasing Ryann from his

My reputation precedes me, I see.” be purrs out the words. I expect Amber to giggle or blush like most girls do when faced with his charm. Or even to flirt back

he is but

isn’t going anywhere. Don’t waste your flattery on me when I’m not the one you want to follow home.” She lectures but after a moment he seems to figure something out.

looks momentarily


Sensations and slime

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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