Strings of Fate

Chapter 280

Strings of Fate

Cam 37–Touch and teamwork

The room is crowded as people start to get up and put away their things in preparation to leave. Harry is able to push his way through the crowd but I keep getting left behind as stupid giant people step in front of me. As Harry moves further away from me I automatically reach out and grab his band. I cling to him as he leads me up to the judges.

Fifteen minutes of bickering and drama later, Harry and I are leaving the event, points awarded and envelope with the prize in hand. We won a gift card for a free meal next time we visit the cafe and a gift basket of snacks and wine. This is apparently a good day for me to get free alcohol. Harry leads me outside and swings our hands between us as we walk to the car.

So, does this mean I have permission to hold your hand now after all? Because you grabbed me first.” Harry points out, squeezing my fingers gently. I laugh at his reminder of his question from last night. I thought that holding his hand would be uncomfortable or awkward and last night in the dark it seemed way too intimate. But here in the afternoon sun with Harry strolling along beside me I have to admit it’s comfortable. I was making way too big a deal out of it, besides Harry went out of his way to make sure I had a good time and to keep me happy today, if holding my hand makes him happy then I’m not going to object.

“Yeah it’s fine. I changed my mind. Hand holding isn’t so bad after all. I suppose I can suffer through it.” I tell him cheekily.

“Well I appreciate your sacrifice.” He beams and I notice a bit more bounce to his step. I swear the man has endless energy. Isn’t he ever tired? He’s always moving around, talking, humming, whatever. Although I’m starting to get used to his constant presence. Even the things he does that seemed annoying before seem a little more endearing now. Harry doesn’t release my hand until we reach the car and he makes a big deal out of dramatically opening the car door for me and helping me in.

“I’m a gentleman you know, on the streets at least.” He winks at me and I snigger. Okay, so maybe his flirting is actually kind of funny when there isn’t an entire room of people watching and waiting to see how I’ll react.

“Well I’m not sure that I’m anyone’s idea of a lady, but I appreciate the gesture anyway.” Harry actually does a double take. I think he expected me to roll my eyes or sass him. He actually seems a little flustered. Oh this could be fun. It never occurred to me that flirting


and teamwork

I’m determined not to let him fluster me anymore. I’m turning over a new leaf, watch our Harry!


the drive to my work, I finally ask Harry the question that’s been nagging at me.

stuff? I’m almost certain that we’ve never discussed it.” I

Harry shrugs and glances sideways

You memorise hundreds of drinks, potions, herbs and you always make easy conversation with your customers no matter what topics they bring up. You remember details about your regulars from previous conversations as well. You just seem like someone who collects information and facts. I took a chance that your awesome memory combined with your competitiveness and general know it all attitude would mean you’re into trivia, and I was right!” He explains smugly. Huh, I didn’t realise that Harry paid that much. attention to my conversations with other customers. I’m also a little flattered that he’s

I never would have guessed that was where you planned to take me.” I admit. Harry

the fun.” He

know romance isn’t really something I’ve had a lot of practice at,

seemed a


I question. Harry shakes his head.

with that. I think back to the potions

I didn’t love his method) I can’t


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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