Chapter 124

Annette POV:

It had been two days since I was in Washington. That’s where I’d been held for the past few months that I hadn’t seen. my husband, my parents or my s….

I still couldn’t say it. I still had my heart filled with hope but I couldn’t bring myself to talk about that sweet little bundle I had given myself up for. I was so close to him and to Grayson and I still couldn’t think of my ba….

My heart would shatter inside me if I thought of all I had missed and everything I would never get back. If we somehow screwed this up I knew I wouldn’t be able to function to crawl back out of the hole that would encapsulate

  1. me.

We got into the truck and the two men driving us took us to a bus station they got out and we took the truck to the train station. We left it there but after we got out Simon took the plates off and threw them away, a move id didn’t even think of.

“Okay so there’s a 5:15 to Vancouver,” Simon told us when we got in and my body reeled against it.

“No,” I told him even if being as close as I had been in the last few months to Grayson made me shine from the inside


We couldn’t do that we couldn’t go the straightforward route. That’s what they expected we had to play this smart. So we needed to go somewhere else, someone we could trust or at least maybe I could trust.

Deacon would be watching anything and everything I had reminded him and I watched the blood drain from his face. He knew what would happen so slowly to him if Deacon ever caught him.

We decided then that we would split up. We bought hats and glasses and we agreed to take the 4:00 Montana.


“My pack and I are leaving today. I know the tournament did not go as many thought but I wanted you to know Im glad you’re happy and if there’s anything you ever need you should just ask,” he reached out to shake my hand.

“I laughed internally at the formality of it.”

know you and I hope you find a Luna who’s worth you,”

my hand away but Max surprised me by bending down and kissing

and I know that he had once expected me to be his Luna and his wife and maybe in another world he would have been but fate had

to Montana and hopefully, Max would let us stay until Grayson came for me. I felt like an absolute ass going there but hopefully, after everything that had happened to me, Max would

us I watched him and


Chapter 124

each other but

side of us and Ashely went white but I put my hand

so not her color,” I grimaced and Ashely smiled at my comment.

poured over the magazines and looked at all the outfits and the girl was well relaxed enough

couldn’t imagine what the poor girl had been through in the last 24 hours she had learned a lot about her world and what the people

on my side I almost pushed him away but he whispered

waiting to get us alone,” I huffed and placed a loose stand of hair behind my ear as I looked

He was one of

sooner than later we were about to exit the train station to find

a travel car.

moved behind them and grabbed the knife from his bag

the building where there was next to no one and as soon as I did they picked up pace. I shoved the two against the wall and spun around lunging at the larger of the two. His eyes were large and he tried to pin me down against him

he stepped back and I plunged the knife up into him and under his arm making him howl in pain then as he dropped down I resisted it into his back before spinning into his partner but he had thought better

and bolted.

clinging onto her brother and sobbing but I grabbed my backpack off the floor. “We need to go and quickly, I hurried them

what I remember Max said his land was protected by mountains and if you didn’t have a good nose it was impossible to get to. Luckily we were wolves and I knew how to drive

knew that we were in Montana and they didn’t know where we were headed from here they probably thought I was

to meet me halfway. We drove for hours we didn’t stop unless it was for when we did I watched the mirrors and when



we got to the mountains and my mind brought up Max’s face immediately. The mountains smelled singularly of spruce except for a trail of pines. Guiding the


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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