Chapter 140

Simon POV:

“He’ll go for your weaknesses, any area that he can find to squeak in he’ll use it,” I explained

to the alpha.

Grayson looked over the map of his land and evaluated where his weaknesses were, and to be honest from my point of view there were very few. With Towers in the front to protect him from where he didn’t have mountains guarding his sides. But the mountains were far enough

out there to be any true protection.

We agreed that he should put outposts out there and motion sensors with heat signatures. The issue was there was wildlife everywhere so I got put together a computer program that went through the photos captured and sorted out if any were humans.

He didn’t seem to appreciate the idea of leaving this to a computer. He was a very traditional man and that much was obvious. He didn’t want to leave this to chance. I tried explaining my programming wasn’t chance but he didn’t seem convinced.

I was surprised he’d asked me to assist him on this but when he explained that he wanted someone who had spent time with Marcus to help show his faults it was quite clever. I had to admit that I should have expected as much from Annette’s husband she was clever and I couldn’t imagine her to be with a dumb meathead.

It made me chuckle thinking of Marcus imagining he was in the same league as these two.

“Thank you for allowing me to help I know I’m probably a security risk to you,” I commented.


Anna said that you were faltering in your loyalty from the start, that makes me trust you,” he explained.

I shuffled from side to side of course she knew from the start like I said she was clever, I still wanted to prove myself, show that I could help, how I could use my intelligence for more

than just evil.


Chapter 140

put the outposts up around higher points so they had better vantage

the motion

should try going to the gym nobody’s going to protect you when they’re all fighting for their lives,” Grayson

been a place I’d wanted to be, full of

it like the plague.

bullies and the place

differently in your old pack, but

chimed in.

help,” I scoffed and instantly regretted it trying not



you need a lot of help,” Matt laughed and

he could break me like

Annette teased me but started running alongside me. The amount of protein these people

to touch vegetables until I gained

more weight.

right it was different here. We didn’t fall behind and here they

them, bulking up and the

look over my shoulder as I practiced my sparring and I’d catch her eye. Shaking her head at me. She

to try and gain her respect but I knew Elizabeth held an important position within the pack and life would be hard without her approval. I


Chapter 140

any more repercussions because

tried to come up to her and say something nice, but she just walked away from me.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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