Several years ago. when she had left Austos City for a few months, exactly before she was about to give birth, Paula went to Amecan to see her At that time, she had perceived that she was not well She wouldnt know that Paula had broken up with Burton but for her probing Nevertheless, Paula just kept the reason why they had broken up the secret from everyone, and every time she fished for the cause of it Paula just closed up At last. Lucia gave up

A few years had passed after they had broken up

In recent years, Paula didn't date anyone at all. which almost drove Paul Thomas crazy for he was afraid that her sister would die alone if she went on like this But he couldnt force a marriage on his sister

Suddenly, it downed on Lucia why Paula didnt go out with anyone over the past few years That was because she had given her heart to that man1

Lucia signed slightly and motioned the two imps to stop talking about that Paula, which restaurant shall we eat at today9" Lucia caught her with quick and light steps

Lucias voice jolted Paula out of her contemplation She hastened to signal to Lucia where they are going to dine tonight "On the second floor, there was a restaurant serving delicious beef steak and a special area for kids to enjoy themselves "

All too soon, they reached the restaurant No sooner had they entered the restaurant Janet and Timothy went to play in the play area The beers were served soon, Lucia handed Paula a bottle of beer and asked mildly, "Paula, Is there any possibility between you and

Burton 7"

I t

Then, she looked at her with a tentative look.                                  1


Paulas face changed slightly for a while, and she opened a bottle of beer sipping slowly "You know. I have split with him for a long time ' <1

Her voice was full of studied nonchalance

"Yes, I know you are split with him. But I can tell from his eyes that he was still in love with you."

Paula clenched the bottle slowly until her knuckles were white. "Whatever" She gave a gasp while she said

Seeing the pretence of indifference that Paula kept up, Lucia felt a strong feeling of frustration

As her intimate for so many years, how could she didnt know that Paula was unable get Burton out of her mind7

of beer in her hand "Pop1" She put down

opposite her was completely taken aback by her movement Lucia, are you

drink often and she just took alcohol for fun sometimes So. such a swig like today was really rare for her and startled Paula "No, I just think we are no more friends

was washed over by a burst of terrible sorrow "I'm your best friend, right7 But you even cant be

you choose to hide it from

spoke, "I didnt mean to


"It's just too disgraceful I blew Burton off for he had cheated on me ." Lucia was left dumbfounded She

to his residence unannounced to surprise him However, what I saw was he coming out of his house with a woman

voice was choking with

felt her

believe that Burton was devoted to Paula Until now, she found that

looked up at Paula,

Paula took a gulp and added, ‘You know me well, what

had a different requirement for the level of loyalty in love And Paula was definitely the one that required the best loyalty In his

took a deep breath She asked hesitantly, 'What if there is an accident’

looked into it That girl is

this, Lucia

that was the case. Paulas true heart

it Dont mention that stupid past

a glass of beer and

thought of something She asked Lucia, ’By the way, why would you be with August just

was Paulas turn

definitely be unable to imagine it He should be the boss behind the commercial


her eyes

a wry smile ‘I didn't


of the childrens real identities, they might never

as to what to do She said, ’I know But we


kids to break a contract

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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