Chapter 283 Could It Be That He Suspected Wrong?

The atmosphere seemed to freeze in the ward. After a long while, August slowly reacted.

Joshua sighed lightly, "Forget it. Think about it yourself. Don’t forget, yon have a fiancee who you're about Io get engaged to."

With that, he turned around and left.

August was the only one left in the room

He kept thinking about Lucia’s face. Finally, he look a deep breath and suppressed all impulses ill his heart.

It seemed that I ueia had been integrated into his life bit by bit in the most imperceptible way, and it was not easy tor him to lorget her.

It seemed that he really should concent rale. At least now, when tilecompany's various conditions were unclear, he was in no mood to think about other things.

He glanced at the phone next to him and picked it up. As soon as he turned it on, he saw messages from Jeanne.

[August. are you feeling better?]

[I want to go to the hospital to see you, but I’m afraid to disturb you.]

[I'm really worried. Call me if you see the messages.]


August frowned slightly, and finally replied, [Come here.]

It happened that he also had something to ask her in person.

After receiving August's reply, Jeanne was so excited that she almost jumped up. she Imrtiedly changed her clothes and asked Mark Io drive her to the hospital.

as she arrived at the door of the ward, she I couldn'l wait to push the door open and


at her , and said

the hospital bed and held August's hand, and her eyes instantly turned

and he asked, "Why would I be mad at

she looked tip at August in panic, and quickly shook her

I visited you, it affected your

Jeanne's eyes, August forced a smile anil said, "Am I so

lower and lower. As she spoke, her tears kept

his eyebrows, and asked patiently, "Jeanne, I have something

looked at him tearfully, wiped the corners ot her eyes,

Io the point, "Does the leak of the proposal have anything to do

was slightly surprised and her back stiffened a little. Alter a second, she hurriedly

thecar when Lucia went to deliver the documents, and you were

her head quickly, "I...I didn’t see any proposal, and I didn't know about it at all. August, what's in it for me to do this? You know,

hand tightly with both hands, shook her head in a panic, and explained.

frowned, feeling a

didn't want to doubt anyone. But when things got Io this

 out of breath crying, and her voice was a little hoarse, "I grew up with you and

slightly surprised. Could it be that

hand and his voice was a little softer, "I didn't mean to

sobbed, "I know, Augusl, I don't

paper napkin on the side and helped her wipe the teals horn her Lice, "Okay, don't

at him in tears, "I heard from Aunt Christina that the time of our

the emotions in his eyes were a bit complicated, but

this, Jeanne instantly looked surprised and happy. She opened her arms to hug his arm, and said softly, "Then I ran be

and said

the broken hair around het ear and looked at her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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