The director was no longer as calm as before. Anger had spread all over her face.

“Chen Ya, after getting notified that you’re fired, you swore to take revenge on the company and maliciously destroyed the company’s property. You will go to jail like this. ”

Chen Ya only felt refreshed when she smashed things. She did not think too much about it. However, when she heard the director mention the word “jail, ” she felt afraid.

“You! ”

“I will make a list of the things you broke at the original price for you. I hope you can make up for the loss before you leave. Otherwise, I will sue you for destroying the company’s property. ” This time, the director left without looking back.

After the director left, Chen Ya’s sobbing could be faintly heard in the office.

Another hour passed, and Chen Ya appeared in the company corridor with her personal belongings.

There was joy, mockery, contempt, and disdain in the eyes of her colleagues. Among those people were Chen Ya’s former lackeys.

However, Chen Ya deserved it. She had been bullying people in the company for so long.

Almost everyone in the company’s first reaction whenever they saw Chen Ya was that something had happened again! Or perhaps, Zhou Shuai was having an ambiguous relationship with another girl.

Now that the dark clouds that had shrouded the bottom-level employees of the company had finally dispersed, how could they not be happy and fortunate?

Although Mo Yan was happy, she did not want to have any more interactions with Chen Ya. She was really annoyed to death by her.

However, as Mo Yan was in the elevator to send some documents downstairs, just a second before the doors closed, they suddenly opened again. She saw Chen Ya walking up with something in her arms.

The elevator door was closed, and the small space was quiet. Mo Yan and Chen Ya each occupied a corner.

“Mo Yan, remember this. We’re not done yet, ” Chen Ya said fiercely to Mo Yan.

Mo Yan couldn’t be bothered with her barks. She was in a good mood, and she didn’t want to argue with a person who was about to leave the company.

The elevator arrived at Mo Yan’s floor very quickly. Until the door was closed, Mo Yan could still feel Chen Ya’s murderous gaze.

She mused, “Does Chen Ya treat me like a child, thinking that a few harsh words would scare me? ”

Mo Yan sneered and walked toward the office without looking back.

There were victories and defeats in life. Those who could not afford to lose could only struggle in the quagmire. For someone like Chen Ya, since the matter was already over, Mo Yan would just have removed her from her life.

In the private room of the club, Qin Yuan and Luo Tao were talking about the development of things on Mo Yan’s side.

“This time, it was really out of my expectations. It went so smoothly that I couldn’t believe it, ” Qin Yuan said as he took a sip of the red wine in his glass.

“It was done well. ”

Qin Yuan didn’t expect Luo Tao to praise him at all. In an instant, goosebumps spread all over his body.

“Didn’t expect you to know how to compliment someone else! ” Qin Yuan scoffed.

Then, he was glared back at by Luo Tao.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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