Super CEO Daddy

Chapter 52

After arriving at the fourth floor, Alice took the elevator down. Her housekeeper and Felicia immediately panicked.

“Old Mrs. Lowen, where are you going?”

“Be careful, Old Mrs. Lowen.”

They followed her to the third floor. Alice searched everywhere, but the boys were nowhere to be found.

Disappointed, she came to a stop. Shortly after, Felicia and the housekeeper caught up to her.

“Old Mrs. Lowen, slow down. Be careful not to trip yourself.”

Her housekeeper held her arm, afraid that she'd walk away any minute.

Alice let out a disappointed sigh. I yearn for a great-grandchild too much. Even the sight of children resembling Pat made me think that they were his children. I must be crazy, for that's impossible. Pat's a smart boy. He'll know if he gets a woman pregnant. Besides, he had remained single all over the years. Gwen's the only exception, but unfortunately, she already has children.

As a grandmother, she didn't want her grandson to get a divorced woman with three kids. Patrick was too outstanding a man to settle down with a woman like that.

Felicia's lips curled up as she asked, “Old Mrs. Lowen, are you tired? Should we have some tea together?”

suddenly occurred to her that Alice was too old to be going shopping.

crept up her heart

head back,”

phone to inform the driver to pick them up at

her dismay, Felicia dared not

Alice back to the

Gwendolyn arrived at the pawnshop and

get if I were to pawn this

the diamond was expensive, so she'd get around two million if she were to sell it.

and examined it

into the shop to inform his boss. Soon, his owner came out to greet Gwendolyn

can offer two hundred

shook her head.

ring and responded, “Then we can't take

and gripped it in her palm. I checked and confirmed it's worth two million. How could they offer me only two hundred thousand? That's too little. They are clearly trying to rip me off, but I'm not a

left the pawnshop to head to the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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