Super CEO Daddy

Chapter 60

Gwendolyn followed Tommy to sign the agreement. Not long after, the money was credited to her account.

Before she left, she scanned around and noticed that it was quite a legitimate company. It had a spacious office space, and the sign at the entrance was eye-catching.

The name of the financial institution was Simple Loan Company, which sounded down-to-earth.

After accompanying Gwendolyn to the parking lot, Tommy said, “Drive carefully, Gwen. I have to go to work now.”

She nodded, having heard Tommy's mother saying that he had found a decent job. Looks like it's true.

“Thank you, Tommy. I'll treat you to a meal soon.”

After finishing her words, she started the car engine and bade farewell to him.

When she arrived at the hospital, she went straight to the ward and saw a nurse give Melanie an injection. The girl cried in despair, which was a distressing scene to witness.

Gwendolyn hurriedly walked toward Melanie and coaxed her with Lucy.

Due to chemotherapy, Melanie's hair was gone, and she had become bald. However, she still had a pretty face. Perhaps she had gotten too thin, her eyes were exceptionally large and bright in contrast.

As Melanie's mother, it tore her apart to see her

right after the injection, no

relief. Then, she turned to Gwendolyn and

the one suffering in pain,

wish I was the one suffering in pain,

cried umpteen

use twenty years of my life in exchange for

her throat when she heard that. She patted Lucy's back lightly,

cried for some time before regaining her composure.

her reddened eyes, she asked, “Gwen, haven't

found herself a job because the latter was here this

son. The processing fee is ten percent of

sniffled, having the

so much,

her, fearing that she would ask to

Just take it, Luce.

and left

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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