Super CEO Daddy

Chapter 90

The moment Patrick left, Felicia crossed her arms and sneered, “Don't you think it's shameless that a secretary like you is staying in your employer's home to have a meal, Gwendolyn?”

Her holier-than-thou attitude was accompanied by a prideful lift of her chin.

Gwendolyn was indifferent to that comment and continued to drink her coffee. “The coffee that Mr. Lowen personally poured for me tastes good.”

If I told you I kissed your man earlier, I bet you'd be super pissed off! But, I'm not going to say it to your face. After all, I'm not Candace, and I don't want to come off as a mistress. I'm not that kind of person.

Thinking of that, Gwendolyn pursed her lips.

Her words struck Felicia where it hurt the most. After all, Patrick did personally pour a cup of coffee for Gwendolyn and not for her.

She stared at Gwendolyn furiously and silently.

Inside the bedroom, Hector had indeed pissed himself. So, the housekeeper and nurse helped him to change his pants.

Alice was sitting at the side and thinking about how cute Gwendolyn looked when she spoke to her.

Patrick grinned when he entered the bedroom. “So, you did piss yourself, Grandpa?”

stare wide-eyed at his

barely able to be squeezed out of his mouth. “Great... grand...

wave his arm

Alice exchanged a look. It would appear that the old man was urging his grandson to give him a great-grandchild as soon

furrowed even tighter as

a child with a woman he didn't like was the last thing he wanted, but telling his grandfather that would only infuriate the old man. If Hector had insomnia or died from the anger that he caused, he would be considered an unfilial grandson. Therefore,

her husband off, so she

when he heard that. He began to

tantrum. I'll keep an eye on your grandson and

get so agitated. It wasn't great for the old man's health. “I'll be leaving now, Grandma. I'll be back in

was in a bit of a pickle because he liked Gwendolyn while her husband wanted him to marry the daughter of the Ashton

a stubborn man, so it was the right choice for Patrick to leave first to prevent the old

was a shame that the celebration that was supposed to happen

hands in his pockets, he said lazily, “The chauffeur is waiting outside for you, Felicia. He'll take

“Aren't we going

gotten the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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