Super CEO Daddy

Chapter 123

Gwendolyn had already fallen asleep and was not pleased to be disturbed. She raised her hand and hit Patrick a few times. Then she turned sideways, and her breathing became even.

Furrowing his brows, the man uttered, “Gwendolyn, wake up...”

He lowered his head and looked at himself.

I'm already in this state, and she's asleep? Is she trying to prank me? Patrick's face darkened at the thought.

Suddenly, he glanced at her chest and smiled wickedly.

“Gwendolyn, you asked for it.”

The next day, Gwendolyn woke up to find herself in a foreign bed. Startled, she sat up and let out a scream.


I shouldn't have drunk last night. What happened?

She raised her hand and patted herself on the head, but she could remember nothing. The room looked very familiar to her, though. As she seemed to remember, her eyes lit up.

“This is Patrick's room.”

the covers and peered inside. She found herself in her pajamas, and her body did not seem

must have been drunk last night, so Patrick brought me back here. Wait, did he change these pajamas for me? Did he see my

thought. “What

When she found

that Mr. Lowen

discomfort in her chest. When she looked at her chest, it was all

alcohol? I usually had no symptoms of

she felt the pain bearable, so she brushed it off. Then she went to the bathroom to

a little awkwardly, “Good

occupied his bed, she felt a

had happened last night. He had not released himself for a long time,

replied in a light-hearted

next to him and looked


It's not like

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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