Super CEO Daddy

Chapter 129

Justin and Julian shook their heads. “Mommy! We appreciate your hard work.”

These two were aware that their mother had been working ever since they were little. They would watch her work four or five jobs a day to bring them up.

She was even reluctant to buy something for herself, like beautiful clothes or good cosmetics, so they had been studying hard, hoping to grow up quickly and share the burden with Gwendolyn.

Looking at her lovely sons and noticing the determination in their eyes, Gwendolyn felt like crying.

With two such sensible sons, she was willing to do anything.

Gwendolyn walked over and hugged them both. “Thank you for choosing me to be your mother.”

Gwendolyn felt she was not good enough. She failed to give them a good life or even a father.

She was really grateful that they chose her as their mother.

Juliette also ran over, joining the hug. “Don't forget about me. I want a hug, too.”

three enfolded Gwendolyn in their arms. She smiled sweetly. “We

the wholesome moment, they got into

them you were

her wherever she went, especially when

see Patrick because he looked like her brothers. Patrick was

call me. Turns out, he

last night. She had to be home at 10 p.m. every night. Otherwise, her sons would check up

had her heart set on finding Lucas that she had forgotten about the

and she had to admit that the man

to the outskirts. I didn't come back because it was too late, and I was on a business trip, so I couldn't take you with

we invite Mr. Handsome

not seen Patrick in a long time; she missed him

glanced at Juliette from the rearview mirror, noticing the longing in her daughter's

are they

we all think Mr. Lowen is good. He can be your boyfriend,” Julian

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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