Super CEO Daddy

Chapter 141

Initially, Gwendolyn had wanted to complain to Lucy.

However, since Lucy wasn't in a good mood recently, Gwendolyn was reluctant to bother her with further problems.

With Lillian taking the initiative to start the conversation now, Gwendolyn felt that she could talk freely. She was relieved to finally have someone to talk to.

Lillian's eyes lit up. She urged, “Tell me more. Is it because he is always unemotional when he is around you? Does he just randomly scold people?”

Gwendolyn thought about Lillian's questions.

Indeed, he always has a stern look on his face. He rarely scolds people, though. On the other hand, he did trick me into paying him more than one hundred thousand.

She was pretty pissed off by Patrick. Gwendolyn said, “You are right. He always has a cold look on his face. It's as if everyone owes him money.”

Hmm, it's true, though. I did owe Patrick some money. Oh, whatever. I'm going to complain about him anyway.

Gwendolyn continued, “Yes. He always chastises others for their mistakes. He insulted the managers so badly that they dared not look him in the eyes. Oh yea, he only drinks coffee without sugar. Don't you think something is wrong with him?”

time that Gwendolyn finished her sentence, Patrick, who was taking care of the kids,

water temperature is okay. Am I

looked at the kids. They are having fun, though. No sign of being cold. Do I have a weaker endurance than

I think someone talked about you behind your back. Ms. Ziegler told me

Juliette's earnest face. He lifted his

head. “I don't know. You are so good-looking. I don't know why anyone would be willing to speak ill

She is a

gently pushed her in her brothers' direction. “Go play with your brothers. I'll ask your mommy to come

What is taking

the wall behind him. He took his phone

texted her: Gwendolyn, when are you coming over? Juliette had asked for you

message while looking at Juliette,


her. She left it in the room for fear of misplacing it or dropping it into the

Lillian, she was in a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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