Super CEO Daddy

Chapter 152

Hearing that, Tiffany nodded. “I understand. You can do it, Gwendolyn!”

Gwendolyn smiled at that. “Thank you! I will do my best.”

What a strange day. Not only do I get to meet my idol face to face, but I got her encouragement as well.

The two of them conversed as they had coffee.

Gwendolyn only realized how fast time could fly. Two hours had passed in the blink of an eye, and it was already five o'clock in the afternoon.

Thus, she rose and bid goodbye to Tiffany. When the latter sent her out, she asked, “Can I call you Gwen?”

Gwendolyn nodded. “Of course! My friends call me that too.”

“Gwen, here. I made a dress for you.”

At that, Gwendolyn's eyes lit up. “Wow! This is for me? Thank you!”

it on the spot. A dress made by Tiffany herself! It's much

the gift in her hands. “See

crossed Tiffany's eyes as she stated, “Gwen, no matter what happens, you can always call me for help. I will

to be different from the other designers. She's

stairs, Gwendolyn could not help but smile heartily. Tiffany feels like a mother

got into her car, she had a peek at her gift. It was a white dress that gave out a youthful aura. I

and prepared to leave, yet her phone rang suddenly. It was a call

“Hello, Old Mrs. Lowen?”

other. Could you come to

“Do you mean

seems a bit recharged

who was sitting

always want a great-grandchild?

meantime, Gwendolyn found it hard to let the elder woman down. Hence, she responded, “Sure,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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