Super CEO Daddy

Chapter 174

Upon reading the message from Lilian, Gwendolyn froze for a moment before she replied: I'm not going.

There's no way I'd be attending Felicia's engagement party! Even if I go, I would gift her a wreath.

Suddenly, a text message from Benjamin popped up on WhatsApp: Gwen, I thought you were dating Patrick. Now that I know that it's only a misunderstanding, can I ask you out on a movie date? I won't accept a no from you. Will be picking you up after work tomorrow.

Gwendolyn felt baffled as to how both Lilian and Benjamin had sent their messages at the same time.

She smiled faintly. Since Benjamin was eager to ask her out, she would not mind accommodating his request. After all, it had been a long time since she had seen a movie in a theatre.

Gwendolyn recalled that if it had not been for that sudden accident, she would have ended up with Benjamin.

Back then, Benjamin was her seatmate, and both of them got along really well in school.

All of a sudden, Patrick leaned over and asked, “What are you so engrossed in?”

Immediately, Gwendolyn put her phone away and replied, “Nothing.”

After that, she turned to look out of the window as the car cruised along the countryside road.

she knew how cold it was outside. A thin

cute turtle on the window, imagining that it was

that. Too bad he's a good-looking guy.

that. Too bad he's a good-looking guy. A very

loudly, prompting Liam to turn around. “Mr.

reacted quickly, taking the coat from her shoulders and placing it on his

wear it now, Mr. Lowen. I won't

rearview mirror, causing the latter to tremble in

Ashton. He's usually not afraid of the cold. Why don't you wear the coat instead?

an unusually good physique! Even his assistant knows that he's feeling

feeling a little chilly because I wore too

faintly as he watched Gwendolyn quickly remove the coat from

appearance again.

that money would

Mr. Lowen. I'll wear more from now on, and I'll make sure


warmth radiating from his body, his gaze was much hotter than his body

me go!

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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