Super CEO Daddy

Chapter 205

When Gwendolyn heard that, she gazed at her two sons fixedly. The smile on her face faded bit by bit. Walking over, she gathered them into her arms.

“Thank you, Sweethearts! You're the best present I've ever received. I don't need anyone else when I've got you all!”

A man? Hah! What use is that? I only want to live happily with my three kids!

Just then, Camille came into the kitchen and said, “Gwen, Mr. Surrington is here. Go and chat with him for a while. I'll stay and help Justin and Julian out.”

Gwendolyn hadn't much interest in cooking. If Patrick hadn't coerced her to cook for him, she wouldn't have even stepped foot into the kitchen.

Her family were aware of that, so they pampered her and forbade her from cooking.

Her two sons knew that their mother didn't like to cook, so they learned to cook by themselves. Then, she wouldn't need to do it even if Camille were occupied in the future.

Gwendolyn wrapped an arm around Camille's shoulder. “All right. Thank you.”

Leaving the kitchen, she went to the sink to wash her hands before heading to the living room.

Juliette was performing the dance she learned recently for Zayden.

“What do you think of my dance, Zay?”

their names in such a manner. She was familiar with Zayden, so she didn't bother

you must address him as Mr. Zayden

her mother. “Nope. I like

arms around Zayden's neck. “Zay, do you like me addressing you


long as you're happy, you can address me

were young, especially Juliette, whom he indulged infinitely,

can't pamper her so much in the future. Otherwise, she'll grow up into

Juliette. “Sweetheart, go and play with your

at Gwendolyn. While she was somewhat reluctant to part with her mother, she also yearned to play with her new Barbie doll. It was stunningly beautiful, and she

abandon her mother with Zayden because of her Barbie doll. Well,

Barbie doll box in her arms, she went to the side to play. Gwendolyn

“Have some tea.”

to her place for a long time, seemingly

to even catch a

up the teacup with steam wafting out of it and took a sip of tea. That was

wasn't sold anywhere else, so he

you for

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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