Chapter 208

She drugged Justin and tried to seduce him? There's no way my daughter would ever do something that shameless! As her father, I know her very well. She hasn't contacted Justin for seven long years after giving birth to this boy. Therefore, there can only be one reason why she'd suddenly try to have sex with him.

“Alfred, get Zephyr to the infirmary and have Dr. Isaacs perform a CT scan on his back. Check for any internal injuries.”

“Yes, sir.”

However, Zephyr refused to leave Veronique's embrace.

Veronique's face was pale when she gave him a kiss on the forehead and flashed him a faint smile. “They're gone now, so your granddad won't hit me anymore. Go to the infirmary with Alfred, okay? I'll go see you in a bit.”

Zephyr pursed his lips with a stubborn look on his face. After a brief moment of silence, he mustered his strength and tried to stand up.

Alfred quickly summoned two housekeepers and had them carry him out of the living room.

Bill dismissed the remaining housekeepers in the living room before kneeling in front of his daughter with a sympathetic look in his eyes.

“I'm sorry for embarrassing you, Dad. I did this because I couldn't let go of Justin, and my mistake nearly put both our families in danger. Mrs. Xuereb was right to have you punish me. I brought this upon myself,” Veronique sobbed out as she made eye contact with him.

“Veronique...” Bill raised his voice as he continued, “Why are you still defending that b*stard after everything that has happened? Do you really think I'm that stupid? I may be old, but I'm not senile! I can clearly see what's going on here!”

Veronique tensed up when she heard that. She slowly clenched her fists as she said in a trembling voice, “I-I don't know what you're talking about! I seduced Justin because I couldn't control myself. This has nothing to do with him whatsoever, so please stop jumping to conclusions!”

conclusions do you think I've jumped to,

what to say, Veronique decided to avoid having that conversation. “I'll go take a look at Zephyr. You may have held back on that last stroke of the whip, but he's

Bill grabbed her by the arm and pulled her back

save Zephyr with the cord blood, right? Did you really think you could keep something that obvious from

on her lip and replied bitterly, “You really have gotten the wrong idea! I only seduced Justin because I couldn't let go of

danger, and you expect me to believe that you'd be in the mood to seduce that man? If you insist on having me expose you, then so be it. Justin is Zephyr's



gone far. I'll go after him and have him do a paternity test with Zephyr!” he shouted angrily

do it, Dad! I'll talk! I'll tell you everything!

too much for Veronique, and

study after returning to the

successful, but they don't know the price we had to pay to get here. I know you don't have feelings for Scarlett, but that girl loves you. She has been determined to marry you ever since you saved her life back then. I know that people in this day and age advocate freedom of

wouldn't marry Scarlett. In fact, it

a mistake. Had I not done

never say if you know what's good for her. Do

a faint smile in

family is the most powerful one in this city, and Scarlett is hopelessly

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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