Chapter 290 Bring North Over Next Time!

Therefore, he hurriedly spoke up, “Grandpa, there’s no need to be in such a hurry. Olivia has just agreed to be my girlfriend. The reason we came here is because I want Olivia to make a suit for you. You probably don’t know it, but Olivia is one of the top designers in the world!

If there’s any style you like, just tell Olivia and she’ll design the suit according to your requests!” When Old Man Nolan heard this, he became starry eyed. “Really? My granddaughter-in-law is so talented!” As he spoke, he suddenly turned to Eugene and said, “B*stard, you found a treasure! Treat her well and don’t ever bully her!”

Eugene was speechless and helpless. “Grandpa, don’t worry. I can’t even express my love for her enough!” Meanwhile, Olivia stood there awkwardly. Oh God, please let me disappear! Why won’t they stop talking about me being Old Man Nolan’s granddaughter-in-law?

just stop talking? Eugene

anything to say to each other just go ahead.

said, “We’re not in a hurry to take your measurements.

comfortable to wear.” Eugene asked, “How about a tuxedo?” Olivia agreed and said, “That sounds great. He should look handsome on his birthday.” Old Man Nolan nodded and replied, “Okay. Just make whatever you think suits

a design. After a while, two tuxedo designs appeared on the paper. “Master Merlin, do you like

before he said, “This one. It looks simple and elegant.” Olivia replied, “Okay, which color do you like? Red, maroon and navy are great colors for tuxedos!”

nodded. “I knew you would choose red.” Old Man Nolan snorted, feeling unconvinced. “How would you know?” With a smile, Eugene said, “I remember grandma had a beautiful red evening dress, but its design isn’t as novel as

Man Nolan seemed a little embarrassed. After a while, he softly muttered, “Back when your grandmother was still alive, she wanted to wear a matching set with me. At that time, I felt embarrassed to wear

there’s nothing that I can’t do. However, now…” As he spoke, he suddenly paused and sighed. “I want to wear a matching set with her, but she’s no

if he was looking at something, but an image of his wife in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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