Chapter 305 How Many Days More, Olivia?

After taking a deep breath, Eugene responded, “I’m not going to throw one because I’d rather not spend this precious time with you fighting and getting bitter with each other.”

Olivia felt a lump in her throat when he said that because he always managed to make her feel bad and touched by his sweet gestures at the same time. Being Eugene Nolan, he could have just ditched her for another woman instead of going through all these grievances. Trying to cheer him up, she then looked up at him with mischief in her eyes. “Do you have anything to say to your girlfriend?”

Every time Eugene set his eyes on her, he couldn’t help but smile. In fact, he would prefer not to look so obviously smitten by her but the truth was, he just couldn’t stop his lips from curling upward into a smile no matter how hard he tried. He cleared his throat before he declared, “I want to kiss you!”

Olivia went speechless. He was pushing for his luck, wasn’t he? “I asked you whether you have anything to tell me, not whether there’s anything you want to do.”

at her. “I will convey everything I

and snapped, “Can you please


as she wondered why she was even discussing this with him in the car. Just as she was left stumped,

very moment, she resisted him out of instinct as she could feel the horrifying experience that had taken place on that night seven years ago come back to haunt her. Eugene, who seemed to have sensed her nerves, toned down his aggressiveness and started kissing her gently. It was only then Olivia’s mind was pulled back to reality to realize Eugene was the man in front of her. Slowly, her body

and wrapped his

“Am I

of missing her although she was just right in front of him was beyond his ability to describe. Running his fingers through her hair, he asked, “Where are

hasn’t been fixed

because you’re worried that I might go to the same place to check on

used so that George wouldn’t think that I was trying to chase him away. In fact, I’m still thinking if I should bring him to a hot spring. It would

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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